Another One

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It couldn't be that I was playing at 9pm on Monday and it tells you how many people are online. That couldn't be it.

5364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see bad graphics. I see a sci-fi art style that's really coming along nicely. Bungie isn't going to deviate from the distinct look of Halo. Everyone who bagged on Halo 3 for bad graphics was doing so because it didn't look "realistic" (charcter faces sucked. I'll give you that). For what Reach is, it looks fantastic compared to Halo 3, and that's saying something.

So basically, you look at the game knowing that it's going to be that colorful sci-fi world that H...

5364d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will be seeing how awesome this game is finally. Got my PS3 too late for the beta.

5365d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Halo is dying to 360 owners then why were there 200k playing at 9:00 EST on a Monday?

5365d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Will definitely rent it. While it looks cool, I don't think it's something I'd play over and over. Even for different endings or what-not. If it turns out I love it, then I'll give it a buy.

5365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about it being a good way for Bungie to get their community involved in raising the money. Some people would like to help, but can't help financially. This is a good way for people to help out by doing something easy and only requiring a small amount of time.

It's a good thing they're doing. They did the same thing for Katrina victims.

5366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wasn't going to reply to this stupid news post, but I just wanted to say I agree with you 100%.

5366d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's cool to hear mrv321. I became a PS3 owner this Christmas and got my hands on the amazing UC2 and God of War collection (played the first GOW but missed the second). It's nice knowing I can play all the great games on both systems. (and I have quite a few to catch up on with my PS3)

I was never a fanboy so the mindset makes no sense to me. I'm a super competitive person and I've never been that way about the consoles. I wish I knew why people acted like they do about a cons...

5368d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was going to post this same thing BS Police. I'm actually glad someone beat me to it. Bungie is a good company and are doing a good thing by helping these people out.

More people need to see this. If you have Halo 3 or ODST then help out. Pretty easy to help when all you need to do is play a very fun game.

5368d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ugh I hate it when websites do that. Reach will be a great game but it wont be "the ultimate blow to Sony". Nothing the 360 or PS3 has will be the ultimate blow to the other. They're both here to stay and that's that.

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow a Halo news post with only a couple people who will actually even play it commenting. Who would've guessed?

Anyway, it does have the potential to be the biggest game of 2010. Bungie is already doing things a little different by using mo-cap and going with an almost completely new engine. And Halo will always have that fun factor and level of unpredictability that most games completely miss on. That alone makes Halo the popular game it is and upping that could make it the bes...

5368d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Color doesn't equal childish or cartoon like. The real world is even more colorful than Halo. Where you kids get the idea that Halo is too colorful looking is beyond me. It's better than every shooter being gray and black like KZ2 and Gears (both of which are great. Just a dull color palette.)

5369d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What's this? Hate in a Halo news post? No way...

Anyways, Reach looks promising. And you know Bungie would like to go out making the best Halo game of the series. There's a lot of good games coming out on both consoles and you brainless fanboy haters need to realize Reach will be one of, if not the, best title of 2010.

5369d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not the greatest scans in the world, but I can read all of it now. The new tech sounds impressive and the game keeps sounding better and better all the time. Good to hear they broke down and used some mo-cap. And the new lighting system sound amazing too.

Of course I would kill for some in game footage, if only to shut up the haters. (yeah like that will ever happen)

5369d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think you should take a step back and realize that they've always stated that MP was never meant to be a part of canon. It's MP, why should it follow canon? It's not part of the story.

5369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Toastman, sprinting isn't there throughout the game unless you only use that armor ability. Sprinting and camo were the only armor abilities mentioned so far.

And to others, yeah you can only hold one at a time based on the GI article. You can change them throughout via little weapon caches you find.

5369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah they toned it down a tad, but there's still going to be more color than the recent trend in shooters. Halo will always be that way.

That screenshot is pretty dull. Did you see the girl's armor though? The blue. And the shot of the grunt in Game Informer in completely purple armor. Yeah, still pretty bright.

5370d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it's certainly a break from the dull gray and blacks of every other shooter that people consider great looking. Why are people so against a game having color?

5370d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well more customization would be the logical step. It's gotten more and more customizable throughout the series. Looking forward to seeing how far they actually go with it.

5370d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was freaking hilarious. Best video all year.

5370d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment